
That Old-Town Feeling

Yesterday I had the pleasure of visiting Christie in her lovely new home. As the central city now no longer exists (thanks, earthquakes) it can be difficult for us to spend time together so it was so wonderful to catch up. She is such a wise old soul, and gets me completely... I've missed her way too much, and we talked non-stop for many many hours.

(Christie wearing a Dotti skirt, Glassons knit, vintage boots, thrifted white leather backpack and crystal pendant.)

(Me wearing a thrifted dress, thrifted belt, DIY scarf, Evie Kemp tote won from her blog giveaway, vintage jacket, Columbine woolen tights and Goldenponies oxfords.)

As usual, Christie looked elegant and statuesque and I looked horribly unkempt. We hung out with her hilarious cat Spice and got coffee at her local, and explored the lovely setting of her new suburb. It's so beautiful and quiet out there, it was lovely to get away from things for a few hours. After dinner we headed to the Lyttelton Festival of Lights.

Lyttelton is a lovely little port town that was also devastated by the earthquake, but lots of wonderful people worked hard to have it up and running for the evening. We enjoyed churros and real hot chocolate and The Eastern, and as cheesy as it sounds, it was awesome to see all of Christchurch come together to support each other. It's become a pretty depressing place really, and being in Wellington last week reminded me of how amazing and natural it feels to have venues and art galleries and bars and life everywhere. I can't wait to call that place my home.

And today just gets better, because my family have returned from Cambodia with three huge bottles of Sriracha for me! Thanks guys ♥


  1. those shoes are the best (if i do say so myself) cause i look so tall in these photos! they're beautiful thanks georgia x

  2. you both look fantastic! christie's outfit is my dream uniform for fall. need a maxi skirt asap.

  3. Lots of great pictures in this post! Both outfits are really cute. I especially love the polka dot dress!

  4. Great photos, i loveeeee the dark red skirt and her shoes! xx


  5. Agggggh! I'm in LOVE with those boots! I have some similar, but those being vintage is amaaazzzing! You both look lovely :)

    xo, Bruklyn


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