
May I present to you:

The awesomest tights ever.

My boyfriend discovered them for me in Sydney, when we had a lovely champagne-fuelled holiday earlier this year. Aren't they magical? Some gangsters told me they were 'buzzy' so I know I've done well.

Bonus! I have a lot of hair.

I wore this thrifting with my friend Martin, to celebrate the end of exams and my last day before starting full-time work for 4 months. We had an amazingly fruitful day!

I got a homemade 50s-style dress, a sheer peter pan-collar blouse, a fireworks-y dress and a zany op art shirtdress, for a grand total of $13. And the most wonderful cape. I was gonna leave this behind but a very sweet American woman convinced me that I needed it! It was only $4 too.
Unfortunately it is nearly the same colour as my bedroom walls, which doesn't make for a very good shot!
P.S. Check out the giveaway over at hiven!


  1. Where are those photos taken? It looks eerily like DogLog...but not quite.

  2. Dog Log indeed! Our house was full of EQC assessors and I didn't want them to see me taking photos in the garden.

  3. i am hoping for some epic shopping trips this November...also a new haircut perhaps...im thinking bangs!

  4. You have nice legs.

  5. 10/10 tights. What are the blue things? The look like some kind of fruit


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